Publisert: 12.11.2020 kl 17:05 - Oppdatert: 13.11.2020 kl 16:34
Renowned peace researcher Johan Galtung has long been disseminating antisemitic ideas, but many seem to be turning a blind eye to it. When he turned 90 in October, the Norwegian national broadcaster NRK even aired a repeat of an hour-long celebratory documentary from 2010 without so much of a...
Publisert: 13.06.2016 kl 09:23 - Oppdatert: 10.11.2018 kl 13:11
Leading atheist blogger Hemant Mehta and AHA-head Roy Speckhardt reject claims that the disappointing turnout at The Reason Rally 2016 was due to a hijack by “Social Justice Warriors”.
Publisert: 22.10.2014 kl 04:13 - Oppdatert: 10.11.2018 kl 12:58
It was difficult, but this summer "The Friendly Atheist" Hemant Mehta, the man behind one of America's best known atheist blogs, chose to quit teaching to become a full time blogger.
Publisert: 16.09.2014 kl 20:32 - Oppdatert: 10.11.2018 kl 12:49
«They enjoy being obnoxious», American sociologist Claude Fischer says about the new atheists. He also claims religious faith in the US is not declining. (Sept. 16, 2014)
Publisert: 07.12.2010 kl 12:02 - Oppdatert: 08.12.2010 kl 15:02
To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose, or so the bible says. In 2010 I think its worth asking if New Atheism is still the right...
Publisert: 16.08.2010 kl 10:26 - Oppdatert: 16.08.2010 kl 10:41
Secretary General of the Church City Mission Sturla Stålsett will supervise the efforts to arrive at a more comprehensive life stance policy. Bente Sa...
Publisert: 31.03.2009 kl 12:10 - Oppdatert: 31.03.2009 kl 12:37
- The new atheists' principal fault would seem to be failure to abide by the rule that demands "respect for religion", philosopher George Williamson claims. He strongly disagrees with Julian Baggini's assertion that the new atheism-movement is counter-productive.
Publisert: 19.03.2009 kl 11:27 - Oppdatert: 19.03.2009 kl 13:13
- The antitheism of the four horsemen is for me a backwards step. It reinforces what I believe is a myth, that an atheist without a bishop to bash is like a fish without water, Julian Baggini writes.
Publisert: 06.10.2008 kl 14:47 - Oppdatert: 08.10.2008 kl 14:56
#- Punk and humanism are two sides of the same coin. Fritanke.no has talked to Greg Graffin, biology professor and lead singer of the punk band Bad Re...
Publisert: 26.06.2008 kl 13:49 - Oppdatert: 27.06.2008 kl 09:43
#A short time ago, astrophysics professor Øystein Elgarøy was a well-known liberal Christian, who defended his faith in articles and debate meetings. ...
Publisert: 20.06.2008 kl 10:32 - Oppdatert: 20.06.2008 kl 11:36
# Commentary/Review by astrophysics professor Øystein Elgarøy, University of Oslo Norwegian version published June 6, 2008 The laws of physics includ...
Publisert: 20.06.2008 kl 09:53 - Oppdatert: 20.06.2008 kl 10:30
#- The Norwegian Humanist Association (NHA) is in no position to annex this word, says Director of the Nansen Academy, Dag Hareide. Text: Even Gran N...
Publisert: 20.06.2008 kl 09:34 - Oppdatert: 20.06.2008 kl 09:50
#- We want to make way for more open preaching, not as before limiting our services to Christian preaching only, says NRK (Norwegian Broadcasting Corp...
Publisert: 18.04.2008 kl 13:34 - Oppdatert: 18.04.2008 kl 13:42
#The settlement regarding the State/Church represents a decisive break-through for the viewpoints of the Norwegian Humanist Association (NHA), asserts...
Publisert: 18.04.2008 kl 11:45 - Oppdatert: 18.04.2008 kl 11:47
#In 2012 the Norwegian Church will be allowed to elect its own leaders, and the ties between state and church will be loosened. However, this is conti...